How to Wash Clothes by Hand in Sink

laundry wash special travel laundry

detergent also dr. Bronner's soaps work

really well and if you're in a bind you

can also just use the shampoo that comes

with your hotel and he's sort of soap

will do so first you want to stop up the

sink if you don't happen to have a

stopper on the sink you can actually

keep the water from draining out of it

with wadded up toilet paper it works

very well and turn on the water it could

be hot water it can be warm water it can

be cool water you know be careful of

colors like you would normally doing

laundry and then with this stuff I just

need a little cap full really - it's

very concentrated to have enough soap

actually it calls for two so I'll add a

little bit more I imagine they actually

want me to use more than I actually need

and so now we've got some suds going in

here and we just need to sort of need

all of the clothes in this water and

squeeze it out a few times do this for a

few minutes actually do this for a few

minutes and let it sit for ten minutes

okay this stuff has been soaking for ten

minutes you can see how filthy my socks

and underwear really are just kidding is

probably died or something and now I can

just drain the sink a little bit and I

want to squeeze ring all this stuff out

bring out all the soap and put it put

this stuff off to the side just wring

all that out and now soap is out of the

out of the sink I can stop up the drain

again and this is gonna be our rinse

cycle so we're gonna fill the sink we're

going to let it sit for ten minutes

again okay our sink got filled up clean


this stuff has been sitting around in

here for ten minutes now it's pretty

much ready to be rinsed out so I can

start letting all the water out and

really squeeze all these together try to

get all the soap out of them and one by

one I can wring them out and they'll be

they be ready to dry it depends upon

what kind of material they are it might

take you know it might take as long as a

day depending on what kind material it

is if you're hanging it to dry but I'm

going to show you one more trick in

between if you want them to dry a little

bit faster okay now this is a trick way

to get them dry really fast what I've

done is I've folded over a towel in half

and then I have all the garments laying

out on the towel and what I'm going to

do is roll

roll all these clothes up in this towel

like like I'm rolling a a burrito or

something or a cigarette

or a joint whatever let's all rolled up

and then I'm going to put my knees on it

and walk across really wring them out

and this will wick all the moisture out

of them and they'll dry much faster now

I just hang everything to dry that towel

trick works really great if you're

traveling and you need everything to dry

overnight so otherwise they might take

about a day to dry but you've been able

to do laundry now practically for free

without access to a washer and dryer

How to Wash Clothes by Hand in Sink


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